How to set margins in word 2010 1.5
How to set margins in word 2010 1.5

how to set margins in word 2010 1.5

From the Page Layout tab, click Margins.What are the different ways to set page margins? Select the unit you want in Show measurements in units of.Set the margin unit of measurement to inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, or picas….Change units used for margin measurement By default, a new document’s margins are set to Normal, which means it has a one-inch space between the text and each edge. What is a normal margin?Ī margin is the space between the text and the edge of your document. You can change each of the four margins in the dialog box that appears. Word lists a number of pre-formatted options, but you can also make your own margins by selecting “Custom Margins,” found at the bottom of the Margins list. To change margins, click on the Margins button, found on the Page Layout tab. How do I manually adjust margins in Word? Do new margin settings take effect immediately in a document? If your margin is 1 inch and you add a 1 inch gutter to the document’s left side, the total empty space on that side is the sum of the margin and gutter space, or 2 inches. All body text, tables, figures, appendices content, and any copies of published chapters must fit within the required 1-inch margins on all sides.The top, bottom, and right margins are required to be 1 inch, but the left margin can either be 1 inch or 1.25 inches.

How to set margins in word 2010 1.5